
Admission Form

  1. To preserve and promote traditional Newah Buddhist Art through generating artists, art deliberator and art researcher.
  2. To organize appropriate programs required to be a good artist for instance, Buddhist Art, philosophy, history and various educational courses along with enhancing their artistic, mental and intellectual quality
  3. To forbid the distortion of traditional art in future that may occur during the art practice by providing them the proper knowledge of Buddhist philosophy.
  4. To promote our art national and international wide by organizing various seminars, workshops, field visits and art exhibitions of students; and publish books, souvenirs, magazines as the collection of articles and researches regarding Buddhism and art on a digital basis such as websites and publishing documentaries.
  5. To contribute in sustainable development of nation providing optimum knowledge of entrepreneurship and management through religious practice in Buddhist Philosophy.
  6. To organize Bachelor level courses of study for the traditional Paubha painting and Traditional statue and eventually extending its spectrum to other different subjects of art. Most importantly, our objective is to organize Masters level courses in the course of studies in near future.