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Traditional Buddhist Art of Nepal has been practiced since thousands of years by the indigenous artists of Kathmandu Valley. It’s a well known fact that this unique traditional art has engraved its significance throughout the world. In the present artistic global scenario, the world of art seems incomplete without its presence. The aesthetic beauty inherent in this beautiful form of art known as Newah Art and it is well appreciated by all the art lovers, art connoisseur as well as laypersons. Traditional Newah Art is not only limited to its aesthetic beauty, it also familiarize us with the Buddhist Philosophy. By transferring Buddhist philosophy inherent in this classical art to implement them in one’s practical life can balance their spiritual satisfaction and physical happiness to improve the life of all sentient beings.

NewahTraditional Buddhist Art which holds the religious, traditional, cultural and artistic value has now became Nepal’s identity and one of the World heritages. This precious art form should be conserved and well promoted. The obvious way is to fairly transcend the knowledge of art and skill to the newer generation. Realizing this necessity, Baudha Bihar Sangha and Aksheswar Mahabihar Preservation Committee, Lalitpur jointly coordinated to form “CHITRAKALA TATHA MURTIKALA PRASIKCHYAN BYABASTHAPAN SAMITTEE” in 2051 BS and began to provide trainings in respected art fields. The training program inclined as many struggling artists and trained them to be the renowned artists of this generation. Through this program, it helped our traditional art to globalize in terms of its presence and significance as much as it also attracted the large number of locals who aspire to be an artist. Since 2063 BS, “Nepal Traditional Handicraft Training Centre” at Aksheswar Mahabihar premises is contributing in providing the proper training and guidelines for the upcoming generations.

As time passes by, everything demands a new system of management, and the importance to formulate a better pattern and techniques on the way of teaching our Traditional Buddhist Art was also felt. Hence, the idea of establishing, “Aksheswar Traditional Buddhist Art College” emerged; and with the collaboration with Lumbini Buddhist University along with three patron organizations, Bauddha Bihar Sangha, Aksheswar Mahabihar Conservation Committee and Nepal Traditional Handicraft Training Center jointly established this Buddhist Art College for the first time in Nepal.

Since the ancient times, Lalitpur has been known as the city of art and artists throughout the world. The value of this historic and artistic city got even hyped after “World Craft Council” announced Lalitpur as the 35th craft city in the world. We believe the establishment of this college in the heart of city of art will definitely contribute in the Buddhist Art sector in many ways possible.